Are you tired of repeating the same cycles in your relationships?
Are you asking why you keep attracting or picking the same kinds of people?
Have you changed your people, places and things only to get the same results.?
Have you settled for less than you desire for fear of disappointment?
45-60 min Sessions that are designed to change how you think and approach relationships.
During these sessions you will take steps that will lead you to reflect and look at
- Where you are ? (emotionally , mentally , physically and spiritually.)
- Look at how you got here.. getting to the root of where you are. We understand it’s not enough to identify where you are but how you got there or you will repeat the same behaviors and this will lead to practicing changing your people, places or things that lead to relational cycles that impact your identity , decision making and thinking.
- Creating a strategic plan to enter the new reality you desire to live in. This is where you use the tools to identify, build and nurture healthy relationships.